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Linda Moffitt


I was born on a farm in Kansas one year after WWII ended. The first time I heard about how elections were held was when my mom and dad were discussing who they should vote for. My dad liked Eisenhower’s plan for a highway across the entire nation. Dad thought that would be good for the farmers to get crops to more markets. Soon, my sister and I were wearing ‘I like Ike’ buttons. The well went dry on the farm, so we moved to a sheep ranch high in the mountains of Colorado. Mom couldn’t take the high altitude, so we moved to a farm at a lower altitude, still in Colorado.  The next election that I remember was when Nixon and Kennedy had a debate on the television. Mom thought Nixon looked scruffy and shifty-eyed. She said, “that Kennedy is so handsome, I think we should vote for him.” One day, they decided to leave farming and we moved to Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho, the most conservative and racist town in Idaho. They had Sunset laws which meant if you were Black, you would be arrested if you were in town after dark. Needless to say, my parents, who were very liberal, moved back to Colorado. I went to Seattle. From Seattle, I moved to Miami. By this time, I had three daughters, whom I taught to always be thoughtful in their voting rights and always vote. They became Democrats.

I have been a Mental Health Counselor, a Hospital Social Worker, Social Services Director, Elementary school teacher, and an Instructor at College of Southern Nevada. I took after my parents with the wanderlust of living in many places.

I have traveled to almost all the states, Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Holland, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, and Wales. I hope I can travel more.

One of the first things I did after moving to Sebring, was to attend the Democratic Women’s Club of Highlands County. I will always be aware of others needs, and hopefully continue to always vote for the Democrats.

Linda Moffitt
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